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How to Get Rid of Wrinkles

· Skin Care

Wrinkles are creases and folds on the skin. Wrinkles can be a result of a few things including aging, genetics, and too much sun exposure. There are a number of ways that modern women use these days to help the skin by getting rid of, preventing, and covering up wrinkles. Here are a few ways:

If you want to help prevent wrinkles from forming on your skin then it would be beneficial to stop smoking if you smoke, or never start smoking if you don’t smoke. The reason for this is that cigarettes slow down the collagen making process in your body. The cause of wrinkles is a lack of collagen. Collagen repairs your skin, and with less of it getting you are more likely to get wrinkles.

Always wear sunscreen when you go outside, even if it is cloudy, always wear sunscreen. Too much exposure to the sun is the main cause of wrinkles. Make sure you get the sun screen everywhere on your exposed skin.

Vitamin A Acid
A good treatment for wrinkles is vitamin A acid. It was originally meant to be used to heal acne, but it has been discovered that it can help get rid of/prevent wrinkles also. At first when you start applying it it will likely make your peel and also make it a little red, but that will eventually stop and the positive effects of the acid will start kicking in.

Moisturize your face with moisturizing cream every day. It will not get rid of wrinkles permanently, but it will temporarily make them much less prominent.

A facelift is one of the top five most common surgical procedures performed today. This procedure removes wrinkles by making an incision by the hair line, pulling the skin back, and removing excess tissue. A facelift can work very well to get rid of wrinkles, however there are many possible negative side effects that come with getting a facelift. It is also very pricey.

Botox is the most popular non-surgical procedure to get rid of wrinkles. How it works is the muscles that create wrinkles are paralyzed.